Seltis Hub For You

Seltis Hub For You

We accompany you in finding the right job for you and help you enhance your professional skills to get in touch with the best companies on the market.

By your side
to find the right job for you.

Looking for a new job can be a real challenge. Our team of professionals will support you throughout the process, from analysing your profile to identifying an offer suitable for you, up to preparing for an interview with the company.

Our Job Board

Work and disability. An equal dialogue

Work and disability. An equal dialogue

If you are looking for a job and you belong to protected categories, Jobmetoo is the right place for you. A real digital community to connect with the job market: create your profile, tell us about yourself, your skills and your ambitions, you can consult hundreds of offers.


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We help you find the right job for you. Tell us about yourself, your skills and your career ambitions. We will analyse your résumé to provide you with a professional evaluation and identify offers that match your profile.

Seltis Hub Stories

The perfect partner for my ambitions. I first came into contact with Seltis Hub when I was still an inexperienced graduate student. After 5 years, first Elena, and then Veronica, supported me and directed me to the brilliant international group that is the company where I now work. I think I can say that I have found one of the best possible working environments, both in terms of professional growth and of humanity and kindness.

Alice Paggi - Quality Assurance Specialist at AKQA

A valuable support with regards to professionalism, intuition and precision. After many years in the publishing world, I decided to change course and move into a new business sector. Elisabetta, my Seltis Hub contact person, was able to go beyond appearances and thus see the match between my professional background and the needs of the client, despite my coming from a different working reality. Thanks to her help, I was hired with the role of Office Coordinator, a great feeling, increased by the support of a company that cares a lot about the well-being of its employees.

Laura Locatelli - Office Coordinator in McArthur Glen

A decisive support for my professional career. Elena, my consultant at Seltis Hub, followed me throughout the selection process in a timely, efficient, attentive and active way, offering very useful advice. Her support was essential especially during the last stages of the process, also complying with any request that came up at the last minute. An empathic, competent and friendly person who is committed to matching the candidate's skills to the company needs. I couldn't have asked for any better.

Sabrina Buongiovanni - Digital Project Specialist in E.ON Energia

An excellent support, both from a professional, and from a human point of view. In Seltis Hub I found an extremely courteous and qualified professional. Together we evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of my curriculum to define the strategy to be adopted in the selection phase. Sara, my consultant, supported me throughout the process by keeping me constantly informed on every development. To date, I have found an employment opportunity that offers me important returns in terms of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as a strong career prospect.

Andrea Dematte’ - Production Manager at Incofil Tech SRL

Expertise and sensitivity, I really couldn't have asked for more. After a long period of layoff, thanks to Simona and Seltis Hub I have regained confidence in the future. Although my seniority was not perfectly in line with the requirements of the company, Simona understood my strong motivation to get involved, allowing me to get in touch with a company that is unique in its kind. A capable and focused professional, eager to achieve the perfect match between the candidate and the characteristics sought by the client company.

Berenice Bucci - HR Generalist in Delta Preg SPA

The right people

Career Advice

Scopriamo alcuni consigli su come condurre un colloquio di lavoro e aiutare i candidati a parlare di sé, quali domande fare e che tecniche utilizzare.